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Artistic profile
Simply Red is a legendary British band that has been thrilling audiences with its unique mix of soul, pop and jazz since the 1980s. With hits such as “Holding Back the Years” and “Fairground”, they have played their way into the hearts of millions of fans worldwide. The distinctive voice of frontman Mick Hucknall and the catchy melodies characterize their unmistakable sound. Simply Red remains an important force in the music scene today, impressing with emotional live performances and timeless classics.

The concert
In 2025, Simply Red will be celebrating their 40th anniversary as a band. To mark this impressive milestone, the band is going on tour again and telling their success story from the beginning to the present day - from “Picture Book” (1985) to “Time” (2023) and everything in between.
In Germany, gigs in Hamburg, Leipzig, Berlin, Munich, Nuremberg, Mannheim, Stuttgart, Oberhausen, Hanover, Cologne and Frankfurt are scheduled for the fall.

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